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This paper, which is written from a global perspective, summarises some of the outbreaks of avian flu, which have occurred in the last few years. Wild birds have been widely regarded as the chief agents in the spread across the globe of these outbreaks, but it is argued that patterns of trade are of much greater significance............

Are GM crops necessary to secure global food supplies at affordable prices?


Dr. Martin J. Hodson (Oxford Brookes University)

We will be looking at a small number of farming scapegoats, not in order to take our turn in blame games, but because there are important lessons to learn. The chosen scapegoats are unjustly blamed and suffer severe consequences, whilst the real causes of a problem remain undiscovered, or unacknowledged and therefore unremedied. That, of course, goes a long way to ensure that the problem will recur...........

Climate change and peak oil are major issues for this century with significant impacts on the future of the countryside. This booklet considers the expected impacts of climate change on UK rural communities in the UK and the contribution that these communities make to climate change.......


© 2018 ACF

Agricultural Christian Fellowship

Manor Farm

West Haddon





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